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girl power

I'm still stuck on Sunday's Gospel. (Matthew 4:12-23) The two brothers, Simon who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew. They are simple fisherman. Simple fisherman who drop everything, to follow Christ.

And God is this way. He calls the most unlikely men and women to do the most important work; the lowliest of all to be His voice. He shows up when it is most inconvenient, and asks that we drop it all and come after Him. And I don't know about you, but I love this. I am attracted to this. I find this beautiful. It increases my desire to put all worldly desires aside, to shut out every voice that is so clearly not from God, and to praise the One who knows what He is doing.

But it is not easy, is it? Because there is this crowd, right? And crowds tend to get loud, they tend to move us in a direction we might not have chosen, but we go, because everyone else is going....and we do not like to stand alone. Even if it means standing with Jesus. Especially if it means standing with Jesus. Because those people are outdated, and misguided. And we don't want to be like them, right? We want everyone to know how strong we are...we are all about girl power, right?...and we desperately want to make a point, to let everyone know that we are in control of our lives, that we are powerful, that we have a voice.

But I have to say, I followed many things and many people in my day, most of them celebrities, and not one of these idols lead me to the peace and life and love, that by grace, I have been freely given today. It wasn't until I opened up my fists, and let go of control, that I was able to find who I truly was meant to be. There is incredible life to be found when you surrender to the Creator of life. There is incredible life to protect when you realize its value. There is amazing power to be found, when you lower your voice and quiet your heart.

If Jesus walked into the midst of your day, what would you do?

I think about this.

Would you even notice him?

Or would you be so busy marching with the loud, strong, crowd, that you would miss out on the simple, humble gift of life before you?

Hard to say...I could miss it myself...this being of human flesh thing...this temptation...the struggle is real.

But I know this; there is true beauty in simplicity, and humility, and if you are having trouble finding that, I suggest you remove yourself from the popular crowd, and run to your Blessed Mother; the lowly handmaid, who has more courage and wisdom than any woman I have ever known, and ever will. Who, by putting herself aside, who surrendered to her Creator, has literally changed the world. The same broken, lost world we all march in.

If you are looking for girl power, look to the woman standing at the foot of her son's cross.

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