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Friday ramblings....because at the end of the week, who has the strength to make sense?

Because by the time Friday hits, I am incapable of a clear thought or proper sentence, let's just go ahead and declare Friday posts as ramblings. (which really just means that on Fridays, I make the same amount of sense as Monday through Thursday, only I don't have the pressure of tying it all up in a nice pink bow, if you know what I mean. Or don't you? Ah....see...the rambling has already begun...)

So my husband was in California all week, which is why it snowed in Connecticut. There are two things I can always guarantee. The first? When I sit down with a hot cup of coffee, someone WILL yell, "MOM?!!!!! Where are you?" And second, when my husband travels, it WILL snow. A lot.

I discovered that I am a really loving wife when my husband is far away. Kind of like how I was a really good parent before I had kids. I really need to work on my serving those I love better.

What? Serve your husband? Can you believe I just said that? Are you all, like, "men can serve themselves!"We are just as important as men! We wear pink kitty hats to prove it! Get the government out of my body! Blah blah blah..." Because I used to be like that, too. (minus the pink kitty hat and government touching my body part.) But then my husband went out of town. And the garbage didn't move. And the bills didn't get paid. (well, they didn't get opened...the paid part is debatable) and there was no one to watch night time TV with my youngest, so I had to, and I am really not a TV fan, and then the DOG....good grief the was like having a would not leave me alone, and then there is that early morning need to go out, and that really late night need to go out, and my bedtime is at 8pm, and the dog was all like "Oh, no it isn't"....and then the driveway had all of this SNOW...and what if that burglar showed up, or worse, the fed ex guy...because maybe he is NOT the fed ex guy....then what??? So yeah. I need my man. I need to serve him. Because he serves me and the kids in so many quiet, unseen ways, and because when he is gone, I want nothing more than for him to be here. And remember, Jesus came to serve, not to be served....

Luke told me a story about a TV show he enjoyed, and said, "What the whole story revolted around was...." and I said, "You mean revolved around" and he insisted, "No, revolted....."

Must have been a disgusting show.

This dinner every night thing is really getting old. I mean, why every night? I just can't. I don't know why. I can not figure out what to make anymore and I have NO desire to feed anyone. Not even the guinea pigs. They went three days without food. (don't worry...we gave them carrots and lettuce and kale, we did not starve them....I know how you animal people can me, they ate better than my kids did for those three days) But back to dinner. I hate it. I wish Lent was here already so we can all just fast for 40 days. Seriously, I am the worst cook and dinner planner. If you have a good, easy recipe, would you please pass it on to me? Better yet, can you just cook it and leave it on my doorstep? That would be so much easier.

So I am reading the entire Bible in a year, and I have this awesome schedule I am following, and I just love it. Better than Netflix. Which I hear is all the rage. But I gotta say, Genesis? Exodus?? A whole lot of crazy going on with those folks! You know when you need a rule like "don't lie with your animal" times were a bit wacko. But then again, times are no less wacko now. And of course, I read that with my puppy on my lap, and was awkward.

We have these saintly men who show up and plow our driveway. Well, we do pay them. So maybe they are not so much saints as they are just doing their job. But hey, we are called to be holy, so let's just go with that. But last night, they never showed, so I sent them a text. I got a reply back from a guy saying, "Sorry, wrong number!" So I apologized...then asked..."Can YOU plow my driveway?" He never showed.

The day before the snow storm I hit the grocery store three times for all of the essentials. A frozen gluten free pizza. Cream cheese with chives. And guinea pig food. This morning as my mini van slid down the driveway I was all like..."Salt! Should have gotten salt!" Live and learn.

And thank you to the kind man, who when he saw little ol' me in the grocery store parking lot, with the hood of my car up, and fiddling with all of that stuff that is under the hood of my car...came over to offer some help. You got a decade of Hail Mary's Sir...God bless you and thank you. Don't you love it when someone is Jesus to you?

When I went downstairs to wake up my oldest Monday morning, I saw the cat on his bed. And then I saw the other cat under his pool table. We only have one cat. See why this was weird?????

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