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Friday ramblings on the burning bush, the suspicious man in my driveway, and why I am so exhausted

On my way into Mass yesterday morning, a friend told me that I looked so exhausted. Note to everyone out there: never say this to me, unless you know for a fact that I have not slept in 40 days, or I just buried a loved one. Because I was not exhausted. In fact, I thought I was looking pretty good.

Ok, fine, the truth? I guess I was exhausted. Emotionally. It was that sort of week. But even so. No one likes to be told that they look exhausted. Right? Or is this just me? Maybe I am being sensitive...because I am so exhausted.

At dinner last night we were talking about our favorite Bible stories.

"Which is your favorite?" I asked my thirteen year old.

She looked guess is she was hoping to spot a Bible open to a story.

"Oh, wow, I just love so many......"

"Oh yeah? Pick one." I challenged her.

After a long pause....she said...

"The burnin' bush."


"Really?" I asked. "What exactly is it about the burning bush that you like?"

"You it is all on fire."

The other kids started to laugh.

"Right???? And who was speaking from that bush??"

And I kid you not, she proudly exclaimed, "The devil!!!"

Is it just me, or do we confirm our children way too early????

And speaking of the devil...

nothing challenges my faith more that the sales associate who puts the sticker price tags on the glass of a picture frame. WHY????????? What kind of Hell on earth is THAT?

I am convinced that all of my prayers for patient waiting and quiet suffering lead me to the purchase of the board game RISK. If you have nothing to do for oh, let's say....the next ten hours...then this is the game for you.

So, it was Valentine's day this week, and I have to man really came through for me. Not to make you ladies jealous...but nothing says "I love you....I see you....I understand you" a man who walks into Victoria's Secret on Valentine's day, and walks out with yoga pants and a comfy sweatshirt for his wife. BEST. GIFT. EVER. Best man ever, too.

So it is winter break, and so many people are traveling. My husband and I are trying to decide on where we should travel to. Let's see.... the living room...or the family room.....???? I vote the living room because it is warmer.

So the other day, walking by my kitchen window, I spotted a car parked at the bottom of my driveway and it looked very suspicious. Then I noticed the man...he had tossed something into my mailbox, then ran to his getaway car, and sped off. Was it a bomb? A bag of heroin? I knew it was not good. So I grabbed my guard dog, and took her to the bottom of the driveway with me. I slowly opened my mailbox, and it was just as I suspected.

Only not really.

It was a business card for Arbusto Services...Carlos is looking for landscaping business. Not to pin a drug deal on me.

Yes. I went to therapy today.

I know...I sound is that cognitive distortion I am learning all about. It has my mind running wild.

Or maybe, it is just that I am so exhausted.

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