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I am not the Holy Spirit. I know. Shocking.

Okay, so turns I just found out...I am not the Holy Spirit. Huh. Well that changes everything now, doesn't it?

And just to be clear, I never actually believed that I was one of the three persons in the Holy Trinity. I just have a tendency to ignore the Holy Spirit, while I try to do the heavy lifting myself. I hold on to faith for just so long, and then something snaps and fear moves in, and suddenly I am convinced that it is up to me to fix everything and lead this flock of mine out of the storm. And spoiler alert: it never works.

There is such release and relief when I allow myself to surrender it all; when I loosen my grip, and call on the Holy Spirit to come and do for me for what I know, I can not accomplish on my own. And this peace is not because the storm has passed; the peace is because I know that I am not in the storm alone. And so if I know this is the case, then why do I continue to fall back on my own pathetic and ineffective resources?

Holy Spirit, you are more than welcome here.

Help me to step aside and make room for you.

Strengthen me to stand up strong in those moments I want to curl up and disappear.

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