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Happy Wildflower Day!

All day long I have been thinking, "I should post something" because of today's Gospel.

Have you heard it?

It is the one about the wildflowers....

I just received a text from my sweet friend Jaimee from The Catholic Box, wishing me a "Happy Wildflower day!" Jaimee was the very first person I shared my idea of Wildflower with, and she is the one who designed this beautiful space for us.

And so she encouraged me to write something on this special day.

Actually, she encouraged me to pour a glass of wine. is all the same.

And so I had to stop by here, although I have nothing to say, other than, thank you God.

Really...Thank you.

Thank you for giving me good ideas, great friends, and plenty to worry about.

Because honestly, if I had nothing to worry about, what would I have to offer you?

My worries and anxieties are often the very things that lead me to You, my strength and my song.

I will not work or spin.

You love me more than the sparrow.

You will take care of my every need.

I know this.

I don't always act like I know this.

But in my heart...where everything counts...I know this to be incredibly true.

You are so faithful, God. All powerful. All mighty. All, period.

And thank you for the wildflowers.

May we all grow as lovely as they do.

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