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the best question ever that I find impossible to answer

I was all excited and fired up to answer a great question I was asked, about doesn't God want me to just be happy, and what if pain is not a part of His plan for me? , until I realized, I can't.

This question is beyond huge.

I mean, what kind of happiness are we speaking of? Fleeting based on circumstance? Or the unshakable kind, that only comes from fellowship with Christ?

And should I reference scripture to support my reasoning, because holy moly, do I have scripture!

Should I take out my diary and share all of the stupid things I have done in search of worldly happiness only to wind up in a downward spiral into an abyss of despair and depression?

Do I talk about the beauty born out of pain and how it has taught me to be quicker to compassion and slower to judge?

Do I give a power point lesson on Catholic Tradition, and why Catholics do what we do?

I mean honestly.

This question requires at least one pot of coffee and a few hours, and quite possibly a mission in Africa or silent retreat in Madrid.

But my short answer?

Yeah, God absolutely wants me to be happy.

And no, pain is not a part of His plan.

But because pain IS a part of life, He invites me to use it as a way to unite myself to Him and the cross.

And why do I give things up that I enjoy?

I give some things up to make room for someone better.

C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity says it is a futile exercise to seek happiness apart from God.

And so this means what? It means we need to stay close to Him. It means we need to get to know Him, otherwise, He will always remain an out of date guy who makes unpopular demands that will never make any sense.

But good grief, this is overwhelming.

Where to even begin?

And I can tell you to find a good Bible Study (and I do have one for you, you know)

Or to go to daily Mass. (which really, you should)

Or to buy a devotional and start morning prayer. (I have many I can suggest)

But how about this.

How about we keep it simple.

How about we start at the foot of the cross?

If you have five minutes, why not walk on into a church, and have a seat.

Then...just sit quietly...and gaze at the cross.

That is it.

Want to know a secret?

This is my happy place.

The foot of the cross.

This holy space that feels like a warm blanket around me as soon as I walk through the doors.

I love this place.

To go into a church when no one is around and everything is still.

To make myself small, to look up at my Savior, who was willingly nailed to a tree for my sins, so that I could have a shot at eternal life.

He gave up His life, so I could be free.

Talk about Him wanting us to be happy.

You see, we have this God who knows what pain feels like.

We have this God who understands what we are going through.

And when we come to Him, and weep at His feet, He does not look away, or tell us to buck up.

You know what He does?

He comes down from the cross. He sits by our side. And He weeps with us.

Sometimes the greatest joy is in knowing you have a Father who will never let you cry alone.

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