winter can't last forever

It has been a tornado of adolescents, business travel, illness, lousy weather, and celebrations, and only by the grace of God, have I managed. Truly. While driving home, with a slight fever, and nothing but sleep on my mind, the word weary does not even do my state justice. I decided to look to my right as I drove along Main Street, and it was then, that I spotted them. The purple flowers. Shooting out from the earth, with small patches of snow still around, this new beautiful life was saying hello. And maybe it was my own voice that I heard, but who really knows, but all I can say is that for the first time in weeks, I had the most positive, hopeful, reassuring words flash before my eyes.
"You see? Winter can't last forever."
Some may look at these purple scatterings and see nothing but weeds. But when I look at them, all I see is hope.