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I am here, but not really.

I know. I know. It has been a while. Copper and I welcome you back.

Funny. I got a text on my birthday from an old college friend and she asked, "How have you been?" And I mean, how do you even answer that, when it has been so many years?

Do you mention all of the moves, the dogs, the mating frogs in the pool? Do you talk about the absolute nightmare you have experienced, the anxiety, and the whipworm your dogs have? Do you say, "I am great! And you?" Or do you tell the truth and share that you've been busy fighting off Satan, but are super happy that you live so close to TJ Maxx?

And do you say that despite struggles, God continues to show up in big ways, and no matter the circumstance, you praise and thank Him? I find that goes over really well with people you have not seen since you were doing jello shots on Beacon Street.

Speaking of God showing up, I talk about that over here today.

Not only does he save my daily life, but without Him, I'd have nothing to write about.

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