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women, walking with purpose, and breakfast with me

Walking out of Mass the other morning, my Pastor pulled me aside.

"I have a woman you need to talk to. I will get you her number."

And that was it.

That was it, for me to know, that this woman, who ever she may be, needs help.

And this woman?

She easily could have been me, not that long ago.

In my three years of working in ministry one thing has never been more certain.

The women?

They are struggling.

We are struggling.

With our marriages.














Self medicating.

Our faith.

And so the reason I sit at my desk for more hours than I actually should, is because it is my see to it that every woman comes to know and believe that their identity is that they are a beloved daughter of God, and that their purpose has nothing to do with what they do but with whose they are. And I know I sound like a broken record because I have written that before, but I also know that people do not listen to what really matters until about the third time they hear it.

Walking With Purpose is a women's Catholic Bible Study that is changing lives...reaching these very women...across the country. We meet you right where you are, and we welcome you as is. You bring your struggles and you bring your questions, and through small group discussion, inspirational videos, and a beautiful study guide you get to work in at home, your life changes.

You meet other women in your community. And you meet Christ. And you do all of this, with really good coffee. What more is there?

If you are like me...with a desire to bring Christ to others...with a passion and love for seeing women who are able to learn and identify the lies this world throws at them, and hang on to the truth that God promises...well, then I have an invitation for you. I want you to join me this Saturday for breakfast. I want the opportunity to share with you what Walking With Purpose is all about. I want to serve you and love you to Christ, and in return, I want you to go out and do the same in your own parish.

This Saturday, at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Stamford in CT, from 9am-12 noon,please join me and WWP National Staff, as we give you a snapshot of what a WWP Parish Program looks like. Have coffee, meet other women, and walk away with fabulous literature and material to help you in your discernment, as you pray about being a WWP Coordinator. I can not even begin to imagine what this world would look like if every woman had WWP at her parish. But to do that, we need strong leaders. Not Bible knowledgable leaders...not theologians or scholars...but women with a heart for each other and for Christ. Women who have found joy in an intimate relationship with Jesus and desire to lead other women into the same joy. If you have this desire, I highly encourage you to look into WWP, and becoming a Coordinator of your own parish program. But pray on this. Bring it to God. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you.

Please go here to watch the beautiful WWP promo video and e mail me with any questions you may have. If you do live in the CT area, are interested in bringing WWP to your parish, and would like to join me for breakfast (I hear there will be cupcakes too) , please e mail me (contact on side bar) and I will happily mail you an invite! If you do not live close to CT, but are still interested, the website lists all of the parishes in the country (and out of the country!) that have WWP. If you don't have a WWP near you, pray on coordinating your own!

Do I sound like I am selling you something?

Well, I am.

I am selling you JESUS.

It is a good sale.

Don't miss it.

But seriously...

Women are so desperate for community.

To be seen, to be heard.

And the best way we can be Jesus to them, is to welcome them in, share with them truth, and love them to the One who loves them more than they know.

Pray on it.

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