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Graduation, Saint Anthony, and putting God back into the world

It was cooler outside than in, so we sat on the porch, cold drinks in our hands. Our oldest had graduated high school just hours ago. The end of an era; we sort of just sat in an emotion that words fail to describe.

The late afternoon ceremony was two hours of speeches and awards and well wishes for the class of 2017. This morning, social media is bursting with images of proud parents, happy families, and beautiful teens decked out in wide smiles, caps and gowns. And here I am, still thinking...

is it just me, or was something missing?

I started yesterday morning with Mass, and soaked in the Pastor's message to all of the school children; a message of going out into the world, and putting God back in it. And I wrapped up my day at my son's graduation, where there was no mention of God at all.


It is a public school.

I understand that.

If I want God in the school then I should put my kids in Catholic school.

(and if you send me the tuition check, I would be more than happy to do that!)

I did not expect to hear a whole lot of His name.

I knew there would be no opening and closing prayer.

It was the complete removal of His existence that rang loud in my ears.

Not even a "God Bless" or a "thank God."


Lots of "we did it's" , and "go out and change the world" and "YOU have the power to do whatever you want to do...."

All, without mention of the One who made the whole dang thing possible.

I know. I know. PUBLIC SCHOOL.

But still.

How do we celebrate the good we have received without acknowledging the Giver?

Just felt weird, is all.

Working in ministry has certainly given me a new outlook; an eternal perspective and a real sense of purpose and meaning to my life. And so maybe it was just me in that sea of humanity last night that felt this way, but good grief, after the year we had, there could be no other words on my lips, as my son was handed his diploma, other than, "Praise be to God, thank you Jesus."

You know, I have friends who are removing their children from our Catholic School because it is not Catholic enough.

I have another friend who leaned into me at a Catholic school recital and shared, "The teacher is good...but a little over the top religious."

And so I understand that no school is ever going to please everyone, Catholic or not, and that as parents, we are our children's most important teacher of all.

I know this.

And so I need to work all the harder.

Because sending your kid out into "the real world" is hard enough.

I can not imagine sending them out without a solid faith to stand on.

Or even a "not so solid, but seed planted somewhere", faith to stand on.

Because our children can not stand on themselves alone.

If we do not teach them to give all the glory to God, then they will give it all to themselves, and hate to say it folks, but we are not gods. We are not in control. And actually, we can not be anything we want to be, if what we want for ourselves is not what God has intended for us.

These kids we are so proud of? They deserve better than a fancy party and congrats yard sign at the bottom of the driveway. They are worthy of so much more. They need us to model our faith. Because if we don't, they will find a lesser, superficial model to follow, which there are plenty to choose from and only a cell phone away. Sending our children off without faith in God is like handing them a beer and the car keys and shouting out "good luck, kid! You've got this"

And I want more than good luck for my children.

I want more than earthly success.

I want them to understand that when they fail (because news flash graduates, you don't get a trophy for just showing up anymore) they are not defined by that failure.

And that every obstacle they will face, if they face it with God, will become a beautiful possibility.

And I want them to know that while their grade point average, school of acceptance, and diploma are important, they do not hold a candle to becoming the person that God has created them to be. Yes. Graduating from High School is a big deal and should be celebrated. But you know what else is needed in this world? Humility, fortitude, wisdom, generosity, compassion, prudence...and yeah, I know...these might not make for a great Insta-story, but if you reach for these, kids, your story, unlike one posted on social media, will last and make lives better.

Am I proud of the graduates? Absolutely, no question about it. Am I proud of my son? I do not believe the ocean is big enough to hold my love and pride for him. You couldn't pay me to do High School again, especially now, with snap chat and ear buds and all of that noise. These kids are fighting a battle we never had to. But if I were to give a speech to all of those young adults last night, I would have made sure that they understood that yes...they should go out and change the world. And that yes...they have the power to do great things. And yes...they should be proud of their hard work and diploma. But that they should never forget, for a single moment, that all these things are possible for and with GOD...and that HE is their strength...especially when they are weak. Because let's be honest, people. You can post your pictures, and you can throw a Pinterest worthy party for your graduate, but these kids???.....they will be lost without God. And most of these kids? They have yet to leave the nest, and already, they are lost.

And call it a coincidence that graduation day fell of the Feast Day of Saint Anthony, Patron Saint of lost things, but I call it God. How faithful He is. What a good, good Father we have, to plan this. And as they moved their tassels from one side to the other, I prayed for Saint Anthony's intercession. I prayed for each and every one of those kids. I put God in that ceremony, although despite no mention of His name, I knew, He was already there.

God Bless you all, Newtown High Graduates....we are all so proud of you. May God protect you as you run off to parties and celebrations, and may He open your eyes and ears to see and hear Him in the midst of the chaos and confusion, the joy and the pain, the whole beautiful adventure that is ahead of you. I do not need to tell you that life is hard. You know that. But I do need to tell you, in case nobody ever has, that you have a God who will walk every step of this journey with you. You may be leaving your homes, your town, your family and friends, but you will never be alone. Ever. Graduating from High School is an enormous success and an end of an era for you, but it is not what gives you your worth. If you didn't earn your degree last night, you would still matter. You are a beloved child of God. He made you. He died for you. He loves you. And it is in knowing this truth and believing it, that you can go out, run your race, and put God back into the world...because with HIM...yes, all things are possible; with Him, no question, you will set the world on fire.

And when you feel lost, and like you belong nowhere, because at one point or another, you will....remember, that you graduated on the Feast Day of Saint Anthony. Not by coincidence, but by God. And He's got your back. Call out to Him, and he will guide you back home; to the home you were created for, to the home where you belong.

May God bless you, and shine His light upon you, class of 2017.

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