no matter how empty

I obsessed for a week over the bird that nested in my hanging plant.
And I was beautifully surprised to find her babies...sweet baby birds... when I took the plant down to water.
I memorized their song.
I knew their feeding hours.
I watched from the kitchen window as I folded the laundry.
I watched from the gazebo as I sipped my coffee and wine.
I pulled up the stool and peered in every once in a while, because I couldn't help myself.
These parent birds.
They were so faithful.
My dear husband.
He kept asking, "when can I water it? The plant it dead."
I would roll my eyes.
That dead plant had enormous life in it.
But you had to be still and watch if you wanted to see it.
You had to pay attention, otherwise you missed it.
I pulled the stool up to take another peek last week, and as I peered my head over, the baby birds....they all flew away.
I was not prepared for that.
I mean, sure, I knew that day would come.
But in that moment?
No. I was not prepared.
I immediately texted my sister.
"will they come back? do they do that? or are they just...gone?"

I am pretty sure I still see the mom and dad birds.
They have been so faithful.
Truly, I have never seen anything like it before.
The dedication.
The keeping watch all day and all night long.
And I would say it out loud.
"Sweet are so faithful."
My family thinks I am crazy.
And would you believe that they still check in on that plant?
Really, can you believe it?
I have seen them come back.
And sure, it could be a different bird.
I know that.
There are hundreds of birds and they all look alike.
But I don't think so.
Doesn't matter if you know they are gone.
You still check.
You still love.
You still pray they return.
Faithfulness is faithfulness.
No matter where we fly.
No matter how empty.