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black panthers, green snakes, and my desire to be loved more than others

I dreamt last night that my friend's husband approached me at a picnic to tell me how in love with me he was...has been, actually, for years and years...back to that time in L.A. when we went to see that Ben Affleck movie ...or wait, I think it was the guy from High School any case, it was not easy fighting him off because this guy was head over heels in love with ME. But I assured him he needed to go back to his family and that we never went to a movie together but secretly, I think I liked the idea that he found me so amazing...even more amazing than his own wife. And then a big, green snake tried to attack me, so I threw it in an elevator, but the door opened ever so slightly, and he came back at me, with his jaws wide open, and then I woke up. Well, after the part about driving my mini van in an indoor pool area and seeing my friends with their boys and wondering, "Why didn't they invite my son to swim?", as they sat in wet bathing suits on hard benches eating sandwiches. THEN...I woke up. It was my husband in the bathroom that shook me out of that dream and brought me back to reality.

Two days ago it was a black panther, not a snake, that was after me; prowling around the neighborhood, as I tried to find a house with someone home to let me in. And when I did find a home, people kept on opening the door...and I kept shouting at them, "Stop! Don't open the door, the panther will come in! It is after me!", but they wouldn't listen, and so the panther came into the house. It was my husband's snoring that woke me up and saved me from the black panther.

And I do not have to google dream interpretations to understand that A) I should probably go to therapy and further explore my need to be loved and preferred by others, more specifically, the opposite sex B) I should definitely go to confession and C) I should thank God for my husband. Because awake or asleep, he always seems to be the one that comes to my rescue.

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