what you do after you drop your first born off at college (and by you...I mean, me)
I did not cry when I hugged my college freshman goodbye. I cried the day before. And I cried two hours after leaving him. And in between all of these tears, I have been overwhelmed by an enormous gratitude; a flooding of grace. Until I start to cry, once again.
So, I did what every Catholic mom who just dropped her first born off at college does.
First, I praised God. I praised Him for a smooth move in, a safe trip to school, and for all of the amazing family and friends he has given me, who have been praying for my family unceasingly.
Second, I thanked God for my son, and for the gift of being his mother.
And third, I went out for groceries and came home with two kittens.
Not one.
But two.
So tonight, we have nothing to eat for dinner. But we have kittens.

What is wrong with me, you ask?
A lot, people.
A whole lot.