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my cookbook, the Eucharist, and the junk in your feed

The unbridled joy I experience on Friday, over ordering pizza and not having to prepare and make dinner, would lead one to think that on the other days of the week, I actually prepare and make dinner.

I have added a second recipe to my cookbook I am currently writing, titled, Frozen Garlic Bread. This homemade dish is called"cheese bread", and guaranteed to be a family favorite. I know what you are thinking. Laura, cheese bread sounds an awful lot like garlic bread. But oh, my sweet culinary novice...not true. You see, there is no garlic on cheese bread. What you do is this:

You buy a pre-made pizza crust, spray it with canola oil (you can pour olive oil on it as well, but that requires....pouring. Spraying is just easier), then, you top it off with shredded cheese. Put it in the oven until you smell it burning, or do what better women do, and set a timer and take it out before you set the house on fire. You could serve this as a side dish, and pair it with a great big salad, or yummy pasta don't. Personally, I like to serve it with a side of, "Kids, I made cheese bread for dinner!" and call it a night. You choose. No judgment here. Obviously.

Clearly, my cookbook is not for those who are gluten free, lactose intolerant, or looking to provide their family with anything that contains any nutritional value whatsoever. I think its gonna be a big seller. Just sayin'.

Speaking of the other day at mass, might have been yesterday, actually...why does yesterday feel like 500 years ago?...anyway, at mass, the Priest prayed at closing, "that we may be transformed into what we consume" and this really struck me. Because I thought about social media...and the news...and the people in the bleachers at school sports games...and how all of this feeds us. Our conversations, interactions, what we see on the news, who we friend on social media, the TV shows we binge on, the gossip we turn an ear to. We feed on this. All that scrolling we do on our phones? It is our feed. And most of it, wouldn't you agree, is absolute junk? But we still scroll. And then we consume. And it transforms us. Makes you reconsider what you choose to spend your time looking at, doesn't it? Makes you reconsider what it is you feed on? Makes me wonder if I am transforming my loved ones into cheese bread.

Because what do you want to be transformed into?

What do you choose to consume?

What is your feed?

Just a little something to think about while you pick up your pizza tonight.

And just another reminder that we should all be receiving the Eucharist a whole lot more than we probably are.

Sure, it doesn't taste as good as cheese bread.

But ya's Jesus....just sayin'.

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