the devil's schemes and why chips and salsa won't protect you...completely

And so I sat down this morning at 6:00 AM all set to write about Ephesians 6:11-18, specifically, verse 11, and how it says to "put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." And I was going to encourage you all to memorize that one verse with me today, because I looked up the definition of scheme, and you know what it says? It says, "a large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some particular object or putting a particular idea into effect", and well, when I read that...the large-scale part, and the systematic part, the idea into effect part...well...I just figured it would be good for all of us to memorize this. Because if we do not remember this...the importance of dressing for battle, the fact that there is a battle, and the truth that the devil is a patient planner who works ever so slowly to trap us at our lowest and weakest can we ever stand firm?
We must memorize scripture. It is our weapon. I used to think chips and salsa were my weapon. But I was wrong. Chips and salsa just taste good. But in the midst of a raging battle, they do very little, actually. (unless you pair them with a margarita, but that's a whole other thing)
But seriously, scripture? Scripture is truth we can stand on, and truth we can hold, and truth so good I will bet you can even dip it in salsa. And so I think we ought to memorize it. And I think we ought to start with this verse.
So I sat down to write this at 6AM this morning. To give you all some good, Monday morning, slay the stinking devil encouragement....because who doesn't love to talk about the devil on a Monday? Right?
...but my computer was frozen.
Hmmmm.........a scheme perhaps????
Makes me think that if somebody down there doesn't want us talking about this, we really ought to be talking about this.