an exciting announcement that is actually true and not a lie, like my other exciting announcements m

I never imagined I would be one of those bloggers who could actually make this announcement. But then again, I never imagined that at the age of 47, I would have the ability to grow a full beard. So never say never, Amen?
People. It is happening. For real.
I just signed a contract to write a book with Our Sunday Visitor, to be released sometime in 2018!!!!
You know what this means?
I have to write a book.
You know what else it means?
Only God's grace could have ever brought me to this place. This is all Him, folks.
Thank you sweet readers, and thank you sweet Jesus.
Too bad I don't have any champagne on hand...but I think I have chips and salsa...which is not the same, at all....but will always do.
Pray for me, please....