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behind the 8 ball, who knew it was November, and Jesus and the Flash.

I swear, as soon as I signed a contract with OSV to write a book, I forgot how to write.

In addition to forgetting how to write, I have also forgotten how to cook, how to not wear the same exact outfit for days in a row, and how to put the wet clothes into the dryer before they start to smell.

Life has been life, which means really good and pretty bad and completely beautiful and painfully sorrowful....but truly, mostly, completely beautiful....and yes, it has had me as of late, a little behind the eight ball...which as I write that, it has dawned on me, that I really do not even know what that expression means. Behind the eight ball. I know it is a game of pool reference, right? And we even have a pool table. I guess I should learn how to play pool before I continue to throw out crazy expressions I do not fully understand. Kind of like how I never truly understood what nit picking meant until all four of my children had head lice. Or, like, how I never understood what I smell a rat meant until our Los Angeles apartment was infested with rats and my husband did the exact opposite of what pest control told him to do, and he used poison to kill them, and we ended up with dead rats decaying in our walls. And yes. I did not only smell a rat. I smelled rats.

Lice and rats. Are you horrified by me? You can say yes. It is ok. I often horrify myself.

So, here we are at the third paragraph, and so can we all just agree that none of what I continue to say is going to make any sense? And that you have no expectation of walking away from this any better? Ok? Good? Good. Thanks for understanding.

I will share, that until a few days ago I had no idea it was November. Did I share that earlier in the week? Sorry, I can't remember. I am not even sure what day it is today. But yeah, November...who knew? And word has it, that Thanksgiving is next week. Am I the only person who just found all of this out? I am beginning to think that maybe I have been in a coma for months, and my family is too afraid to tell me.

So, my son and I were shopping at Savers...a thrift shop which he introduced me to, and I am hooked on. It is like Goodwill...but the Nordstrom's version of Goodwill, because that is the kind of woman I am. I prefer an upscale hand me down shop. And so we were standing on line at the cashier, and a couple from our neighborhood stood behind us. She announced how she was driving her husband crazy by playing Christmas music and doing her Santa shopping. (this, by the way, is when I found out it was November, because I was like, "you are shopping for Christmas in October???? What is wrong with you??? Can we just get through Halloween first? Good grief, lady." Well, apparently, Halloween already passed, and nothing is wrong with her. What is wrong with me, however, is highly questionable and up for debate) But even so, being November and all, I just can not go there. I can not wrap my head around Christmas when I haven't even cleaned my bathrooms for guests coming on Thanksgiving. Just not my gift. She then explained to me that she runs a deals job on Facebook and so being in touch with Christmas shopping is actually her job, so she has to focus on the retail. Makes sense. And because I am a judgmental and awful person, what ran through my mind was, "Oh yeah? Well, I write a blog about Jesus, that is my job, and so that is my focus." (Mic drop. Take that. I win!)

I win nothing, actually.

Lord, forgive me for my thoughts.

So our Landlord was here this week checking up on the house because the wrap around deck is about to fall into the pool, which I suppose is fine, if you like your deck in your pool, and he came over to me, and said, "Hey, can I ask you something??? Are you some sort of health freak or something? Because you look like you work out all the time?" Note to all men out there: you might want to leave out the word freak when describing a woman who is standing right in front of you. What is crazy about that observation and comment is that I actually have not worked out since 2013, and I have no plans of working out ever again. I was also wearing jeans and big sweater...not like I was walking around in spandex pants and a jog bra. (I literally shuttered at the image of that. Not because I would look bad, but because I would be freezing. I am a slippers and wooly socks and oversized hoodie kind of gal. What Not To Wear would throw out everything in my closet. Actually, on one episode, they DID throw out a scarf that I not only owned, but was WEARING while watching. True story) Anyway, had he asked me, "Are you some sort of Jesus freak?"....well, that would have made total sense. You can not even enter into my home without passing a statue of Mary, the image of the Divine Mercy, a crucifix, a Holy Water font, and a large framed portrait of the Blessed Mother. Jesus freak, yes. Health freak? Not so much. Unless eating your body weight in cheese, chips and salsa, and washing it all down with a cheap Costco bottle of wine, is considered healthy.

So it is time to get this day rolling. The sun has come up, and can I just say, it is so worth getting up early just to witness the beginning of a brand new day, of a brand new hope. I know. We all love our sleep. Sleep is awesome. But so is God. (and if you have not listened to my beautiful and dear friend Lisa Brenninkmeyer, talk about how she adores her sleep on the Abiding Together podcast, you need to do that right now) And if I had one tip for you today (besides listening to the ok, I guess I have two tips) it would be to put getting up before the sun does and sitting with God in the quiet on your to do list. How anybody gets up and goes out into this broken world before spending time with Jesus amazes me. It is just impossible to do. At least, to do well. Because sweet friend, God has your day planned already....He was here yesterday, and He is already waiting in your tomorrow. So, He might be someone you ought to get to know and spend quality time with. I love Him. I really do. And that dark silence, cup of coffee, and alone time I have with Him is my favorite part of the entire day. Well that, and watching The Flash with my eleven year old. Jesus and The Flash. There ya have it. I have fully armed you to battle through this day. You're welcome.

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