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Monday Advent Motivation: antibiotics, gluing heads back together, packing and moving, and why none

Because it is "tick the season", I thought I'd get Lyme Disease to kick off Advent.

Oh wait. It is tis the season. I knew it didn't sound right.

So, let me just throw this on out there, in case you, too, happen to already be tired and overwhelmed, before Mary has even gotten on that donkey ride to the occupied Inn.

Spiritual warfare is real, people. And it is one of the perks when you work for the Lord. Don't get me wrong. He's a great guy and I wouldn't want to work for anyone else. But it comes with a cost.

The good news?

He has already paid the price. In full. We are covered. Go get a non fat peppermint latte and celebrate.

So, on top of the Lyme, and Luke's head being glued back together (did I mention that here?) and the move (did I mention that? We are moving. At Christmas time. Awesome timing, don't you think?), and the trip to Florida (youth cheer is going to Nationals in Florida this week. Yup. Two weeks before Christmas), and the writing deadline, and the curtain in the family room that, until last night I had no idea, is a breeding ground for 55,000 ladybugs, and the landlord that has been working on, in, and around this house we have been leasing, while we are still in it, because that is not at all inconvenient or stressful....on top of all of this...

Advent is here.

Our season of HOPE.

Our season of JOY.

And call me crazy, which I am, but I do not see any of this as a coincidence.

And if you have taken a trip to crazyland yourself, know that most likely, your circumstances are not coincidence either.

We are in a war, everyday. A raging battle at all times. And we can either give up and drop to the ground in despair, or, we can take our antibiotic, glue our kids head back together, get on that plane to Florida joyfully, and REMAIN ON OUR KNEES declaring truth.

And I am EXCITED to do this. I am eager to kick the enemy to the side, regardless of what he pulls next, and stay connected to Christ. There is a certain THRILL that I feel when I know that it is the strength of Jesus Christ getting me through and holding me up and that the schemes of the devil are useless, when I abide in Christ.

But that is the key, now, isn't it.


Staying connected.

The devil might be a loser, but he is also cunning and patient and so we have to always be on guard. Always. If you crack open the door of your heart just a teeny tiny bit, he will try to work his way in. Trust me on this. Guard your heart. If you haven't prayed yet today, stop reading this and start praying. Say the holy name of Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to come down. Offer this day--every last bit of it--to Jesus. Praying is not hard. Nor is taking antibiotics, gluing a head back together, getting on a plane, or packing your home. We have done so much harder, now, haven't we? Let's not get caught up with this stuff...this junk...these stupid distractions that ARE the schemes of the devil. We are God's beloved. We can do hard things.

Unless that hard thing is dinner.

I hate making dinner.

That's too hard.

So, that is all I have got for you today, sweet friends. Just a little Monday motivation. And I included a photo of my sleeping kittens, because if hugging kittens can't make you smile, then really, what will??? Oh, and how about a song. Music always helps.

If you are feeling attacked this morning, GET ON YOUR KNEES . Ask Jesus to bring you your armor, put it on, grab your sword, then go out and kick you know who in the you know what. The more arrows that fly my way, the more I will speak boldly of the One who is going to guide and protect me. The One who will guide and protect you, too. The One who is standing with us, behind us, and before us, on the frontline. We do not have to fight alone. In fact, we do not even need to fight at all. He will fight for us. He asks us to be still.

In the name of Jesus Christ...let's do this.

And in the name of Starbucks, go and get that non fat peppermint latte.

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