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light of the world

I woke at 4am to snow falling and a two hour school delay; a slow and gentle ease into the day. I did some writing in the dark, sent the kids off to school, finished decorating the tree and walked the dogs. And now I will get to work next to the windows that the sun shines brightly through, and most likely think about reheating last nights lasagna for lunch, but opt for a frozen burrito instead, because I am a creature of habit and I know I will regret eating the lasagna. In other words, sweet friends, today we live life. We live it hopefully and we live it joyfully and we live it boldly. We go out into this weary world and we shine our light for others to see and we demonstrate kindness, not with our words but with our Christ like actions. And we praise our God for the stellar gift of strong faith and excellent therapy; the knowing that suffering is not meant to last, healing does not mean we do not remember, and a date on a calendar holds no power over us what so ever.

Today we sing, glory to the light of the world!

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