stepping out of the crazy busy

Oh, Monday.
Is it Monday?
Yeah. It is Monday.
I am so confused these days. When the routine is off and your belongings in boxes and the kids are home a lot because of snow or holiday or is hard to remember things like what day it is, or where you razor is, which explains why the hair on my legs is longer than the hair on my head.
And don't get me started on my beard. It is impressive.
I am doing this thing that I hate that I do. I am looking ahead.
If I can just get through this, then...things will fall into place.
If I can just get this thing done, then...I will be able to get back on track.
If we can just battle through this week, then...we will see the light.
This is stupid.
And I will tell ya why.
Because there is always something.
No matter how many things we get through, get done, battle through....guess what?
There will be something else around the corner waiting.
It is another reason why school systems today drive me crazy, other than that whole get your kid on the bus do homework and pack a lunch everyday. They do not prepare them for NOW. They prepare them for LATER. On the first day of fourth grade my son was told, "You need to learn how to do this otherwise you will never make it in fifth grade." My daughter tells me that everyday they are reminded, "Things will be different next year in High School."
Shocking that we are all so anxious, isn't it?
Looking ahead can be fun, if there is something fun to look forward to. But as I get older my looking ahead is usually born out of fear, worry, and dread. And so it robs me of the NOW.
And so I'd like to pass on some encouragement, should you be like me, looking ahead, just trying to survive barely enough until you see that light. We can have the light even in the dark. We can feel the joy in the midst of the sorrow. We can live worry free despite feeling "off track."
Because the light at the end of the tunnel is nothing compared to the light of Christ that is here right now, in the middle of your busy and mess.
We must abide in Christ.
Because He holds our blue print and He knows exactly what we should be doing.
And no. Worrying about the future is not on His list.
How, you might ask? How do I abide in Christ when I do not even have the time to shave my beard?
A silent prayer before you get out of bed.
Keeping the holy name of Jesus on your lips throughout the day.
Thanking God for every sip of your coffee, even when you spill it all over your desk when you sit down to work and you think to yourself, "Seriously, Lord?" Even then.
And connection.
Connection to real people.
Face to face time with a friend you can talk to.
Someone who can sit across from you and speak truth and life back into your anxious and weary heart. Someone who is not out to fix you or judge you but who can listen and say "me too."
We need to keep these people close and we need to make that coffee date with them now, not when the dust settles or next week because you are just too crazy busy right now and not when you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Because did you ever consider that this meaningful relationship that carries you through the tunnel just might be the light sent by Christ?
(I will bet you a bag of chips and salsa that you have a friend in mind right now who you have been meaning to have coffee with...and you keep saying soon...when things aren't so busy. Am I right? I am right. I win. And FYI, I prefer multi grain chips.)
I think we need to intentionally step out of the crazy busy and rest with what matters. Not with what we are convinced needs to happen and can only happen by us because really, it is all up to us, right? Amazing the mountains are still standing, and quite honestly, isn't it us that keep those mountains up there in the first place?
Um, yeah. No. Not us at all.
But what matters?
I mean, really, ask yourself this now.
What truly matters to you?
My list?
My husband.
My marriage.
Our children.
Our health.
Authentic friendships.
Training the stupid dog so I do not have to chase her into my new neighbors yard and lake in the freezing cold holding a handful of roast beef while she ignores me, foaming at the mouth, ever again.
Chips and salsa.
Prayer time.
And salad kits that come in bags because I hate making dinner and this is just so easy.
Whatever it is that brings you easy, simple joy that you are not doing because you are waiting for that thing to pass so that you have the time to do it? Stop and just do it. The mountains will not crumble. I promise.
Let's step out of the crazy busy today.
Because I am thinking right now that this crazy busy we fall into becomes its own idol.
I am thinking that crazy busy is what robs us of crazy love and contentment.
And actually, now I am thinking that this crazy busy is what self seeking death might be all about.
And we want to live today, don't we?
Make that coffee date and put crazy busy aside.
Then look up and thank the Lord for the mountains still standing.