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dew claws, a bride of amazement, and Victoria's Secret. And more coffee, please.

I am literally in the midst of four different projects. Five, if you include making dinner. So this picture right here? This is my life. Manuscript deadline. Walking With Purpose. Coffee. More coffee, please. Scripture. Scribbled notes I can barely read. And a Victoria's Secret bill. Because I am married and that is okay.

Praying this week to get it all done with grace, and for the dog who got his dew claw ripped out to heal. Also coming into the Lord's presence and asking why on earth He created the dew claw in the first place. It serves no purpose other than getting ripped out accidentally and causing my dog to make a crying sound that I pray I never have to hear ever again.

Also obsessing over this video clip and wondering how I can hear the full version of this talk because honestly, she had me at "beloved" and "are you paying attention" and "bride of amazement."

May today--no matter how busy and full and no matter how many dogs claws are ripped out---be a day where we pay attention and know that we are His beloved. Even those of us who shop at Victoria's Secret.

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