kicking off Holy week with a date, a house fire, and WWP going Live!
My husband and I have not gone out on a date in forever, unless you consider couples therapy and stopping for bags of orange chicken at Trader Joes a date. If you do, then we date weekly.
Finally, this weekend....we intentionally carved out time to be together doing things that don't require the "reflection exercise" or a shopping cart. We went old school. Movie, dinner, then back home for glasses of wine on the couch.
We saw Paul the Apostle of Christ, then went and enjoyed a delicious meal. Once back home, we settled on the couch with a bottle of wine, and then the house caught on fire.
The house caught on fire.
See? THIS is why we don't go out on dates.
The good news? The girls were up late to notice it before it got out of control.
And one of the firemen was exceptionally good looking.
And the fire only made a mess in the boiler room.
Which I have yet to clean up.
You know you have too much on your plate when there is no time to clean up after the house fire.
It might be a while before we go on another date.
In other exciting know what else in on fire, besides my boiler room? Walking With Purpose! If you do not follow WWP on Instagram, it is high time you do, sweet friends! Today our sweet Angelina, the cutie below and WWP's Middle School and Young Adult Programs Coordinator, has posted exciting news, in addition to her awesome blog post on the WWP website. Seriously, she is awesome. I feel like I look 400 years old when I look at her, but hey, I just went through a house fire, and I don't live on the I am allowed to look old.

How old do I look? Well...get yourself on Instagram, because this old lady might be going live some time soon as well...maybe I will post from my boiler room. If it isn't on fire.
PS: After you read Angelina's blog post (and if you have a young loved one who is doubting their faith please read it NOW) email her any questions or thoughts you may have on the topic and tune into our Instagram Live on Thursday, March 29 at 10 AM ET! Angelina will share three practical questions to ask young people when they are wrestling with their faith and she will answer as many questions as possible!
House fires, dates, and WWP going Live on IG? How else do you kick off Holy week?