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still searching

I spent the entire weekend looking for our indoor kitten, who got outdoors, and has yet to return. And through tears, and sorrow and fear and anger...yes, anger, and of course anger at God, because I mean, honestly, really?...I discovered just how many birds are in God's creation; how many trees were knocked down in the winter storms, how many rocks, roots, and chipmunks are beneath my feet, that there is not just one snapping turtle the size of Texas in our pond, but two, and perhaps that is the reason why the ducks no longer visit, and how there are seeds bursting through soil, and pink blossoms on what were not too long ago bare and lifeless branches, and I have to tell you, but it is a very odd sensation that I both love and despise all at the same time; that I could be so captivated by God's beauty and obvious love for me, all while I sorrowfully carry a broken heart through the thick and unknown woods, wiping my tears, calling out by name, and holding onto hope... but all the while wondering if I am too late, if I am searching for what will never be found.

He leaves the 99 to find that one.

Sweet friends. If I - knowing of the fox and the bear and the bobcat and coyote, that lurk just feet away from my front door- are still determined to search, seek out, and bring back home a kitten - how much harder does the Father seek out each of us?

I will never stop searching to rescue the lost, to bring back home what is mine, to once again hold safely, in my aching, empty arms.

And neither will He.

*I just ran out of the shower to add this PS.....

I am naked in a towel...

probably didn't need to know that....

but while showering THIS song came on and I HAD TO SHARE IT.

If you are the one that is lost and needs to be this loud...

If you have a loved one who is lost and needs to be this loud...

claim it.

sing it.

believe it.

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