riding ponies, drinking champagne, and excited to be on OSV's webcast tomorrow talking about my

The moment I started writing a book about the daily battle, God was kind enough to send me many, many battles...you know...to make sure I really understood what I was writing about. He's good like that.
And now that the book is written and available for pre order and ready to launch on June 22nd, I am pleased to announce that I am battle free! I have it all figured out! The enemy is gone! No need for putting on my armor of God anymore! In fact, I just dropped it all off at the Goodwill...the belt...helmet...sandals...breastplate, even the sword...because you know...charity...it is a good thing. And now that life is so easy I can spend my days doing what I want...like looking at Instagram stories of women working out while I simultaneously buy a chocolate cake, or riding my white pony in my Anthropologie dress, wearing a crown of hand picked wildflowers that my children made for me, because that brings them so much joy....all while drinking champagne from a crystal flute that the hummingbirds poured for me!
OK. So let's talk truth for one hot second. And I do mean one, because I have kids to get to school and well...they are all out in the fields picking wildflowers and it might take a while to pull them from nature and God's creation and get them back inside...in front of a screen...
but here is what I need to say.
The battle is endless, my friends.
And there is no pony.
But I actually did buy a cake while watching an Instagram story of a young girl working out.
And if that isn't a clear sign that I still need to be putting on the armor of God daily, then I don't know what is.
And not to assume anything here, but well...yeah, I am assuming, I suppose...that you are in a daily battle as well. And maybe...probably...perhaps...you are not fighting it the best way that you can. Or fighting it at all. Because well, let's be real....fighting is hard...and Netflix is easy....
So, I am super excited to be on Our Sunday Visitor's webcast tomorrow, talking about my new book Victorious Secret: Everyday Battles and How To Win Them. Ladies, I hope you join me because this is going to be fun! Which might sound weird because with a topic like fighting battles, the word fun might not come to mind. But that's the thing. Me? My take on it? My story? No matter how scary, horrible or tragic...we will discover the humor in it...because I mean really, if we can't laugh we might as well be dead. And if we are dead, how will we fight? Humor actually helps us to win the battle, you know. I will also be able to answer any questions you have...important ones, like, what's your favorite brand of tortilla chips? Or how can I get my hummingbirds to pour my champagne?
So tomorrow at 11 am EST, pour your own champagne (because hummingbirds have no hands. They can not possibly pour champagne) ...or coffee...and tune in!!! Because we have a battle to win, ladies...and we stand a much better chance of winning if we stand strong together.
More information is below!
Victorious Secret: Everyday Battles And How To Win Them Presenter: Laura Mary Phelps Thursday, May 10, 2018 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Eastern time Cost: Free
Author Laura Mary Phelps knows women are fighting an everyday battle and she won’t let them back down. This book is about the real issues, real struggles, and real questions that women face today. With funny, compelling, and real-life stories, Phelps gets real about what it means to pick up the armor of Christ and fight back with truth. Join us as the author discusses her book and answers your questions!