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warrior training is ON. And so is the coffee.

So glad that my first live webcast is on the Feast of the Ascension! Come, Holy Spirit, Come!

Hope you join me today at 11 am EST at Our Sunday Visitor, while we chat about my book, and the real struggles, real issues, real questions that women are facing every single day. While my dogs hopefully SLEEP SOUNDLY in the background. (pray that no deer, squirrels, or rabbits go by the window, please....)

In other news...

Walking With Purpose will also be going LIVE on Instagram today at 10 EST, talking about our newest study, Fearless and Free.

So basically, if you tune into IG, then hop on over to Our Sunday Visitor, you will have a morning of WARRIOR TRAINING.

So put on your breastplate, ladies...grab your sword and make more coffee...looking forward to spending the morning with my awesome sisters - sisters who are determined to find healing and wholeness, to awaken to the battle, and who believe that "you can still be brave and broken!!!" (quiet possibly my favorite thing Lisa Brenninkmeyer has ever said.)

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