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the wrestling...oh, this is so good.

The word "wrestling" always brings me back to high school. I was a gymnast, and we shared a gym and mat with the wrestlers. The mat smelled of their sweat, and one boy in particular used to watch me tumble in my leotard and exclaim, "poetry in motion!" It cracked me up. And creeped me out. All at the same time. I also recall UB40's Red Red Wine playing on the boom box, while the boy I had a crush on did some awkward dance in the door entry way to the gym, that I thought was the most adorable thing I had ever seen.

Wrestling today, right now, is a whole other ball game.

The wrestling I am talking about involves no leotard wearing (thank God) and no sweaty mats to unroll.

Head on over to Walking With Purpose, where I am talking about Fearless and Free, and "the wrestling"; the second part of our journey towards healing and wholeness.

I have to say, this week I am extra super excited to be hanging out on Insta at WWP talking about this, because I swear, God's plan for me is to be a professional wrestler. And so I really need your help...because I want a conversation...I want discussion...I want to talk about practicals...and maturity of faith...and the lies that we believe...and where the heck IS God when we are hurting???

Will you do this for me, please? Participate? Speak up? Contribute? Community and conversation is so only need a little more courage than fear, you know...and I know you have that.

So be sure to check in over at WWP Insta, and I will be going LIVE on Thursday at 10 am...and we are going to wrestle with this idea of wrestling and work our way through what I think is the most important bible study chapter ever written!!!! So write your questions down, and keep that coffee pot ON and get yourself ready.

There will be no sweaty mat, or creepy adolescent boys... I promise. But if you want to wear your leotard, feel free. Who am I to judge?

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