the hardest part about being Catholic, the dead raccoon, and the devil in the bathroom

The hardest part of being Catholic is when you wake up early to pray with your monthly devotional, get your coffee, settle in on the couch, open to today's reading and is a new month. And this is the wrong book. And I have no idea where the new one might be. Or if it even arrived in the mail. True Catholic problem, people.
But we can battle through this because we are warriors. Right? Kind of? Sort of? Maybe? Maybe a little? Not really at all?
So it is no secret that battles and warriors and fighting the enemy are things on my mind. Why? Because they are in my life. Everyday. And yours too. And if you don't think they are in yours too, then they are really in yours, too.
I am excited for this week because I get to own the Walking With Purpose Instagram account, and I get to talk about things like living fearless and free and arising as a warrior and experiencing healing and wholeness in Christ. Simultaneously, I will also be planning the Victorious Secret book launch party here in Newtown, CT. So you know what this all means? The target on my back just got bigger, which frankly, feels impossible...because I thought it was big enough already.
Oh, the things we do for the love of Christ.
And not just for the love of Him, but for the love you, too, my Sisters in Christ. As I said to my friend at the baseball field yesterday, because Sunday is a day of Newtown sports as well as that order..."I am not a fan of self promotion." And I am not. It feels icky and weird. The truth is, many of you asked I write a book...and so I did. And my only prayer is that it makes me a millionaire and I can solve all the things with money because money is the answer and solution to living a peaceful and joyful life. Just kidding. My real prayer is that one person is struck by one thing on one page.... and she begins to consider Christ. That is it.
So I invite you to join me this week over at Walking With Purpose...because I am diving into the study Fearless and Free and talking about the final lesson The Warrior...which is perfect timing for me because I am feeling SO NOT LIKE A WARRIOR. More like a worrier. But God will use this. As only He can. And you be assured that everything out of my mouth this week will be real, raw, authentic and vulnerable, and probably with a few tangents thrown in here and there, just for good measure.

Check out my new blog post here, and be sure to join me, especially when I go Live on IG, on Thursday at 10 AM, and let's step into the battle together. Because we are women. We do things in groups. Like going to the bathroom. And fighting the devil. And if you have ever been to the rest stop in Maryland you will recognize that sometimes the devil is in the bathroom.
Baby steps, people....this week we take baby steps onto the battlefield. Grab your coffee and let's do this.
ps I never wrote about the dead raccoon but all the same, I felt he should be mentioned in the title out of respect. Just know that it is huge and basically been at the top of my driveway, in the road, since Friday, and I am wondering why no body has come to clean the poor thing up. He is now as flat as can be. You can laminate him and use him as a placemat, you know...if that is something you are into. Laminating dead animals. Yeah. Probably not.