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Summer reading vs Summer X Box and setting the bar low

Nothing says Monday morning, like a two hour parent-student driver's education class! Do I know how to ring in the new week or what? Of course, after driving for 30 minutes yesterday, when I turned onto my street I told my daughter, "Wow! I honestly have no idea how we even got here...I don't even think I was looking at the road."

Apparently, that made her uncomfortable.

So, tomorrow night is the book launch event for Victorious Secret! Will you be there??? I hope so! As always...I plan on small numbers for attendance...and well...God multiplies them. You ladies are incredible...thank you for your support and encouragement!!

Speaking of support and encouragement, be sure to check out the new blog post over at Walking With Purpose...Lisa has great summer reading suggestions for us! (as soon as I finish Laura Story's When God Doesn't Fix It, I am onto Wes Moore's The Other Wes Moore) She also has amazing summertime parenting skills...seriously...I immediately thought I need to do that...but then would be so much easier to just send my children to her house for the rest of the summer. Wait until you read her children's summer morning routine. And if you do read it and think, "Oh man...I am a loser"....I would be more than happy to make you feel so much better about yourself by sending you MY children's summer morning routine.... (as I wrote that, I literally heard my 12 year old son ON THE X BOX say to a friend, "yeah..I just watched anime all day yesterday"....)

I suppose he could have been watching worse?

Oh, Lord have mercy on me...I have become a master at setting the bar this summer extremely low. Maybe that will be my second book...How To Set The Bar Low and Feel Like A Loser. Would you read that? Because I could write that in two days. One, if I don't feed anyone or do laundry.

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