winning our day to day battles, hopping and hacking, and finally accepting that I will never look li

Everyday battles. They are no joke.
What are you facing today?
What are you praying away?
What are you begging God to FIX?
What is that thing in your life that makes you want to run away?
What is that endless trial that keeps you awake at night or numbing out daily and just isn't fair and you cannot for the life of you understand why God has not swooped on in and made it all disappear?
Ladies, I am EXCITED this Monday. Because today I am hopping on over to the Walking With Purpose Instagram account and hacking the living daylights out of it! (I am actually not hopping. I really do not even have to move out of my chair to do this. I am also not really hacking. I have permission to do this. Just in case you were wondering.) I have a lot to share...about my own book Victorious Secret...about my Sister Warriors who fight with and for and beside me...about Fearless and Free and how important this study truly is...and how we all have a story of brokenness that we are called to share.
Yup. Even you.
So be sure to read my WWP blog post, and to check in on WWP IG STORIES this week, and to TUNE IN when I go LIVE on Thursday at 10 AM EST.
I don't know, people...maybe it is that I am finally learning how to thrive on no sleep and worry...or maybe it is because I have finally accepted that making me look like Christy Turlington is so not on God's to do list....but most likely it is the Holy Spirit that truly has me feeling FEARLESS and FREE and VICTORIOUS on this glorious, sunny, Monday morning!
And ya know what? I think I AM going to hop today. Because bunnies hop. And bunnies are super cute.