bad avocado toast and winning back the hearts of our daughters. You know. The important things in li

Ok, so I am eating the worst breakfast ever....completely burnt toast and a not quite ripe yet avocado. I have decided to finish it all and offer it up. I know. Such a martyr. When I am canonized I can be the Patron Saint of privileged white women who courageously finish their bad avocado toast.
But that is not why I am here.
Ladies. Moms. Aunts. Women who have, know, love, interact with, or are friends with a Middle School aged girl. Listen up.
Our girls?
They are not okay.
Ok, so maybe YOURS is ok.
And actually...I THINK mine are ok...for the most part.
But I am coming to you right now as a mother who has been blindsided by this thing called the WORLD...a mother who thought she had a handle on EVERYTHING her kids were going through...a STAY AT HOME MOM who has done just that...STAYED AT HOME...just to be sure her kids were raised right.
Oh, mercy my eyes have been opened.
The scary reality?
Our kids, once in school, are with their peers and on social media and following their so called on line "friends" WAY MORE than they are with US.
We are no longer their role models.
We are no longer the voice they listen to.
And the fact that we have removed God from just about everything is not helping.
So how do we do fight against this?
How do we disciple our daughters?
How do we compete with the noise?
How do we teach them TRUTH in a world that is doing brilliantly at selling them lies?
I will give you clear instructions on how to start.
First, click here and watch every video as you drink your coffee and hopefully, eat a way batter breakfast than mine. They are short and effective and beautiful and fun and fabulous.
Then, tune into Lisa Brenninkmeyer LIVE ON WWP Instagram TODAY at 10 AM as she interviews her own Middle School aged daughter about her new Bible Study BLAZE - a study JUST FOR OUR MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS.
(don't follow WWP on IG yet? That is okay! You can fix that right now!)
Two easy steps you can do right now to win the heart of your daughter back. NO BRAINER.
See you over at the WWP IG account at 10 am!
Our girls are worth taking the time to do this. Wouldn't you agree?