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taking a break on the side of the road

if only I actually looked like THIS while taking that break!

I just made a very specific to-do list, with blocks of times of when I will complete the task.

And then I sat down to write.


Writing was NOT on my to-do list.

At all.

I totally went rogue.

It is like shopping at Target, right? Do we ever actually buy just what we went to Target for? If you do...God bless you. You are an amazing person with tremendous self control and so clearly full of the Holy Spirit.

I guess I just went off road because this space here feels so empty.

Summer time is like that, though.

My routine took a total hit.

I am SLEEPING later.

And my house is messier.

And I am not convinced that any of this is a bad thing.

I think there comes a point when the race we are running takes its toll on us, and not that God is asking us to give up or anything, but perhaps He is asking us to stop and move to the side of the road to catch our breath, grab some water, and sit down. Or go to sleep. Because there is another hill, you know, that we will need to climb and so we better rest while we can.

So that is what I am doing.

And thinking and planning...a lot.

A book speaking tour is actually in the works which is terrifying and exciting all at once...

and my husband and I decided it was time to redecorate our bedroom and create a prayer space for the BOTH of us to pray together because my latest rant is that we pray APART....and we need to pray TOGETHER.

And RUN YOUR OWN RACE, SISTER is a THING that is brewing in my heart and mind and well...keep your eye out for that.

And then there is everyday life. That has been so hard and so painful and yet I am seeing God's promises blooming all around me which only fuels me even more to get on this tour and speak to you all of you about HIM....and the GOOD that comes out of the unimaginably bad.

So, yeah.

That is why I stopped by here, on the side of the road.

Quiet does not mean nothing is happening.

Not in my writing.

And certainly, not in God's writing.

In fact...the best chapters God writes are the ones He reveals to me years after they were written.

Man, He is a great author.

Now...back to my list.

10am-10:30. Shower AND clean the kitchen.

It is already 10:05 AM.

I better get on it.

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