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I keep forgetting is it not Monday, and my near death at back to school night

This is me. At "Back To School" Night.

Why are Monday's off so confusing? add to the confusion...the kids have an early dismissal because...wait for it ....wait for it....

it is too hot.

Now, I will be honest. When they called an early release last week for the heat, I rolled my eyes, slammed my fists on the table, looked up to the heavens and shouted, "NOOOO!!!!!!!!" I mean, how precious are these kids? What on earth is going on here? We are in Newtown, CT...not India...we can buy over priced bottles of water and $18 iced coffee drinks. What is the deal here? And we wonder why our children have no coping skills. Why they act so entitled and privileged. God forbid they sweat a little. Just wait until menopause, girls...then you are really in for early dismissal from that.

And then...

I went to Back To School Night, (which, might I add, for the intentionally uninvolved parent is already its own sort of torture) and after two seconds in the classroom, I swear, I could not breathe, was grabbing my throat and gasping for air, and fanning myself with anything I could find, because.... good grief, it was so darn hot. It was a close call, folks. I kid you not. If one more parent asked one more question about what kind of binder their child needs and should they still be reading at home for twenty minutes (for the love....dear Lord, grant me patience), I would have died, right there, in my son's classroom. I am not even joking. My sight got blurry and I started to see the light.

The teachers dismissed the parents early.

Because it was too hot.

Praise be to God.

In other news...I am talking about more important things over here, and here....

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