Speaking at Our Lady of Fatima, in my daughter's Varsity Cheer uniform. Hope to see you there.

I know. Crickets have moved into this space. Welcome to the start of a new school year.
But while I may be quiet over here....I will be talking non stop at some awesome parishes this Fall! First up...Our Lady of Fatima in Wallingford, CT. If you live in the area, come on over and join me!!! I will be talking about "The Everyday Battle" and offering practical and Spiritual ways... based on Ephesians 6 Put On The Armor Of God....to not only fight them, but WIN them.
Side note: I have no idea what to wear and am seriously thinking of wearing a suit of armor...as a joke...but really, because I have nothing to wear. Or I can wear my daughter's Varsity Cheerleader uniform, for no other reason than I am dying to put it on.
Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
7:00 PM
Our Lady Of Fatima
382 HopeHill Road
Yalesville section of Wallingford, CT
RSVP Cathy at 203-265-2813
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