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dog poop, pre-cut fruit, and running late on Monday morning. I know... Let's have a GIVE AWAY!


It is raining!

There were was no jelly for the PB and J lunches!

The dog pooped on the floor!

I sent kids to school with no water!

My husband is running late for work!

The overpriced pre-cut fruit went bad!

But He is still good, and there is air in my lungs, and I just ate a coconut creme pie Larabar which was surprisingly delicious, and so I can only assume there is still work for me to, how about we cheer things up and get this week going with a GIVEAWAY!

This is the final week of the Victorious Secret : Everyday Battles And How To Win Them Instagram tour. Today on Instagram I will be giving away a whole bunch of things that help me to fight the daily battle! Be sure to follow, and tag friends, and do all the crazy things we do just to get something free.

Fun fact.

I love free things. I will stop for furniture left on the side of the road that I do not need simply because it is free. Don't care if it is a baby changing table and I am two months into pre- menopause. I'll paint and distress it and use it to the hold all the plants I don't water and kill. It will be useless and take up space and be back on the side of the road in two weeks. But that is okay. Because I got it for free.

Praise be to God, though...the giveaway is not on the side of the is over on Instagram, which is where I will be all day long...on my own account laura_m_phelps talking about the battle, and also over at the walkingwithpurpose_official Instagram account...all week long...talking about all the things the Lord revealed to me about all the things I need to work on...thanks to THIS awesome podcast.

(I am going to have to channel Padre Pio this week, and bi-locate on Instagram, and the chances of me posting something personal on the Walking With Purpose account is pretty great, and so if a picture of my dog pops up over there, and I start talking about my Bible Study over here, just go with is all work for the same God so we should be okay.)

And look at that...

the rain has stopped

I picked up the poop

and my husband has offered to pre-cut all the fruit I buy from now on so that I STOP buying the expensive pre-cut fruit....which sounds like a really generous offer but deep down I know he is annoyed that I spend money on pre-cut fruit and if I were to allow the enemy to get involved I would then leap to the thought of "I am the dumbest wife ever" and "why am I so wasteful?" and "what kind of lazy woman can't cut her own fruit?".....

But too late, Satan.

You are too late.

I already put on the armor of God.

Before the dog pooped.

So I am good and will use the pre-cut fruit situation as an opportunity to grow in humility and increase my desire to be corrected all before 7am on a rainy Monday morning.

And now....I have a GIVEAWAY to get on!

And so do you.

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