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Hey it's Monday...can you get me more coffee, please?

I need to create a machine that can take all the things in my head and put them into a blog post. Because if I had that machine...I would be writing and posting multiple times a day.

But I don't have it. And so I have not been writing at all.

At least, over here.

It can be frustrating to have so much going on, so many amazing things God is walking you through - and usually when I say amazing I mean amazing in the wow right now this situation really stinks sort of way ---but ya know, God and I have been working together long enough for me to now recognize that these hard and dark seasons are SO worth it and necessary...and that seasons of no writing do not mean I am not doing good work...I am pretty sure the silence over here is all a part of the bigger plan that only God can see and praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ, I am good with that and I trust every morsel of it too. Because truthfully, I suppose..I am NOT doing good work...but He is. And His work is always so much better than mine.

And ya know...I so want to write about the blind beggar in today's Gospel because can we please meet for coffee and talk about how much worse spiritual blindness is than actual blindness, and this is coming from a girl whose biggest fear is losing her sight. But to not recognize His presence in the dark? To be unable to see AND not have faith? I think that is the worst thing that could ever happen....perhaps because I have been navigating life in and through so much darkness and yet...have been guided by faith the entire way....and ya know, as my friend said last week when I ran into her at the grocery store, "You look so good! Love the make up! I thought with everything going on in your life you wouldn't look so together...." so ya know, I have got that going for me, I suppose.

So I will table the spiritual blindness post, along with the one on being docile and generous and humble, along with the I have yet to buy my turkey and I can't wait to be speaking in Georgia next month, along with the go on and see me over here...because while this post is also a little all over the place, it makes a little more sense than this one.

And if this entire mess and ramble doesn't scream Hey, it's Monday...can I get more coffee please? I don't know what does.

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