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thoughts while cleaning for Thanksgiving....

As I clean my home in preparation for Thanksgiving, on this beautiful day of the Presentation of Mary - some thoughts run through my mind.

1. Why did I start to clean the walls? Now you can REALLY see how dirty they are. And now I have to clean them ALL.....unless...I keep all of the lights off.

2. I really love the Blessed Mother and can't imagine why someone would not.

3. How do my dogs have any hair left on their bodies? Because I swear it is all over the floor and couch and carpet. I have collected enough hair to knit into a generous scarf or prayer shawl.

4. Do I wash ALL of the slip covers, or only the ones the dog has peed on?

5. Why does my son think a good place to leave his clothes is up against the side of the toilet? So gross.

6. Shoot. Pretty sure the cornbread for the stuffing was supposed to made yesterday so that it could dry out. Better get on that.

7. I don't really like turkey.

8. I am so grateful for so many things...especially the magic eraser. Wish it worked on my face.

9. I sat down to write not because I have anything to say but because I am procrastinating.

10. I am over at today, FYI.

Back to cleaning. Happy Thanksgiving!

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