thinking about Jesus and MaryKate Olsen. But mostly, Jesus.

I am considering tattooing the word JESUS on my forehead.
Or maybe just wearing a tephillin.
Phylacteries, or what modern Jews call tephillin, consisted of strips of parchment on which were inscribed these four texts: (1.) Ex. 13:1-10; (2.) 11-16; (3.) Deut. 6:4-9; (4.) 11:18-21. They were placed in a square leather case, and strapped onto your forehead, kind of like a headband, only they stayed put, right at the hairline, and served as a reminder of God's intervention at the time of the Exodus in Egypt. So actually, nothing like a headband. And by the way, only men wore this, ladies, thank goodness....because I know for a fact I would not look good wearing this.
However, it does get me thinking....
let's think about what we think about for just a minute.
Because today, the Thursday before the Epiphany, is the Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus.
"For there is no other name under heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved." (Acts 4:12)
Jesus. It is a big name. A powerful name. A name that saves. And yet, we still hear people use it so casually. So inappropriately. And when I hear this, I think to myself, "What on earth are you thinking, using the name of Jesus like that?"
And so again...let's think about what we think about.
Because this is what I think.
We are all thinking about something, and we are all imitators of something. Right?
And usually it is that thing we can not stop thinking about that we tend to imitate.
If we worry all day, we become worriers.
If we think about how anxious we are, our anxiety rises.
If we think about all the things we don't have we will be miserable idol worshipers.
If we think about our bodies all day and outer appearance, we will reduce ourselves to our looks.
If we think about money all day we will be unhappy.
If we think about chips and salsa all day...well...that is okay. There is actually nothing wrong with that.
I used to think about the Super Model Christy Turlington all of the time. For real. Back in the 80's, I imitated what I saw in fashion magazines, because I wanted to be like the women in them. This nearly killed me, the by the way.
And now? Well, now I TRY to imitate Jesus. And MaryKate Olsen. But mostly Jesus. And I am kind of bad at it. But still, I try. And it is only on the days that I keep the name of Jesus written on my forehead that I am able to imitate His goodness. Kindness. Humility. Sort of. Because well, I am not Jesus. But I do know that if I try to be kind or anything else good, He is the One to imitate. And if I just want to be skinny and carry coffee and pretend I am a millionaire, well, then..MaryKate it is.
If you haven't chosen your word for the New Year, might I suggest you choose the most Holy name of Jesus. Because truly...any other word we choose and try to imitate...strength, peace, love, perseverance, endurance, fortitude, calm, wisdom, truth, trust...whatever the word is ....without JESUS written on your forehead, His name, first and foremost on your mind, those other words will amount to nothing.
Jesus is all words and THE WORD.
His name contains all, purges sin, removes everything we wish we had nothing to do with but fall into because we are of the flesh.
The name above all names.
Think about that.
Write that on your forehead.
Whisper His name often.
Imitate Him.