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losing your head for love

As I pulled into the Church parking lot this morning, desperate for Mass, the school nurse called. I had a feeling I would get a call. Just wasn't expecting it an hour into the day. See ya to the Middle School.

Then I received a text from my daughter. "Can you get valentines at the store for cheer - it was last minute - like the ones we would get in elementary school." Yes. I remember. Annnnnd....I thought we were done with this. So, hit CVS on the way to the Middle School, then off to the High School we go.

And now I will run the dog to the vet, and swing by the grocery store, and make an appointment for the kid with the possible strep.

Now, there is little agreed upon about Saint Valentine and the stories about him, other than he was real, and today is dedicated to celebrating him, love, romance, married couples, young people and devotion. The other fact we know and agree upon is that he lost his head. Literally. For his faith. He was beheaded.

So easy to get wrapped up in the feeling of love and the expectations of this feel loved...but I am over all that, praise be to God. It used to wreck me. Not anymore. Thanks to the kid who gets sick and the one who forgets things and even the dog...the mess and the interruptions are not found on Hallmark cards and yet are the very hallmark of a life well loved and not just loved, but a life that loves. And loves well. Love is not about the overpriced roses, but about the over the top things we do to show our love. The things we must do that do not feel like love...but are love. Love gets us up. Love calls us to hard places. Love demands everything. Love changes your plans.

Of all the things Saint Valentine is patron of, I lean towards celebrating devotion. To my God, and to my family, all of which, are worth losing my head over.

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