praying for the young men and women battling for our own sons and daughters

You know what I love about being a part of a women's ministry? When you reach out and ask for prayers, YOU REALLY DO GET THEM.
I am not implying that when people outside of ministry say "you are in my thoughts and prayers" that they do not actually mean it. However, when you have friendships rooted in a love of Christ, you can 100% count on some powerful intercessory prayer happening!!!
My daughter is on retreat with Saint Rose Youth group at Steubenville NYC right now...and when I reached out for prayers, I got them. This one response below is so beautiful, I thought I should share it with you:
Praying for these beautiful, precious children of God. “May the Lord Bless them and Keep them; May the Lord shine His face upon them and be gracious to them; May the Lord turn His face towards them and give them peace.” The Priestly Blessing in Numbers is a powerful prayer, and we claim it over ALL these brave souls, in Jesus name! Amen
If you are reading this, can I ask that you please pause, and say a prayer now for THE CHAPERONES. Working with the youth is not for the wimpy! These men and women...young in age themselves...are battling BIG TIME for the next generation and I can only imagine the spiritual warfare they are under RIGHT NOW. Leave a prayer in the comments, or keep it in the quiet of your heart...hit Adoration, light a candle, pray the rosary, email me for specific names to pray for and I can get them to you...whatever, however, I ask that you please pray for them. They are doing serious work - they are fierce Warriors of Jesus Christ...they need all of our prayers.