football, music, and a new blog post...

It's a Newtown youth football tradition that every year a new "pump up CD" is created. The boys suggest their favorite song, and a mom puts them all together, so that on the way to their games, the boys can get all pumped up, and the moms can get a headache.
This year, my husband got the list of songs, and downloaded each one on his own.
We barely made it through 1 1/2 songs before we had to turn the music off.
We were horrified at the language.
Our son was losing it, in total hysterics in the back seat.
When we got to the field we were wondering if anyone else had experienced the same trouble we had with the music selection and foul language.
"I made sure every song I chose was marked E", my husband, Nick, reported.
Turns out, E stands for explicit.
Nick thought it stood for EVERYONE!
Sure. Everyone going to hell, maybe....
In other news, I have got a new blog post up over at the Walking With Purpose website. It hasn't been rated, but I promise, there are no bad words and the hope is that it gets you to heaven.