FREE Victorious Secret Study Guide!

One of the enemy's favorite lies to whisper directly into the ears of his precious daughters is this:
You are alone in your suffering.
It is why I love traveling the country speaking, sharing my story, revealing the TRUTH. And I get to look women directly in the eye and say, "Guess what? Me too."
Sisters, we are not alone in the battle. We are on the frontline together, and we have a Commander that has already won.
I wrote Victorious Secret: Everyday Battles And How To Win Them because I want all women to know that they are not alone in their struggles - both big and small - and that Jesus is with them, for them, and is in control, especially when life resembles a dumpster fire. In fact, I wrote this book from the bottom of a dumpster fire. True story.
If you are looking for a spiritual read this Lent that is actually do-able and won't make you feel like a Lenten failure, I encourage you to get yourself a copy of Victorious Secret. It is quick. It is easy. It is relatable. And I think funny. And well, I wrote it at the lowest point of my life ever (or at least to this date.... Lord have mercy, why did I just sat that?)
I am not one to push my book. I am awful at PR actually. But something struck me this weekend, after I gave a talk in North Carolina, as the women approached me. This book is important. This book is real and raw and I wrote it not only to help myself battle through a life that looked nothing like the one I wanted, but I wrote it for every woman who struggles. We need to recognize our battles, know where they are coming from, and be equipped to fight victoriously. This is my mission. I'm not backing down. a gift from me to you this Lent, if you head on over to the shop on my website and order your signed copy of Victorious Secret this week, I will email you a FREE PDF of the Victorious Secret Study Guide! (which I happen to really, really love!)
Offer expires Sunday, March 8 at mid-night.
Praying for you and with you in the battle!