Is the Lord in our midst or not? Lisa Brenninkmeyer goes LIVE tonight with a much needed message of

"Is the Lord in our midst or not?"
This was the question asked by the Israelites in today's first reading, and yet, it is a question that, perhaps, many of us are asking today. As the fear of the unknown works us up into a frenzy, how can we remain at peace? If "hope does not disappoint" how do we explain so much disappointment?
Join Lisa Brenninkmeyer, our Walking With Purpose Founder, and fearless leader, as she goes LIVE tonight at 7 PM on both Instagram and Facebook. Let us step out of the chaos and into the peace that can only come from Christ, as Lisa shares with us her response to Covid-19, the sudden responsibility of becoming a homeschooling mom, all while dealing with the great disappointment of having to cancel Flourish.
I am confident we will feel the presence of our all powerful and in control God through Lisa's needed message of hope.
We will still Flourish.