From Cake to Christ And Everything In Between

When Jesus appeared to His friends after rising from the dead, they didn't recognize Him.
Ever wonder why?
Pondering this in my morning prayer, the response that came to mind immediately was, "Well, that goes for all of us, doesn't it?"
Because when you die to your old self, and rise up new in Christ, you are different.
You look different.
And maybe to your old crowd, you are even unrecognizable.
In a beautiful, new creation, sort of way.
This is a good thing.
For those of you who have been rescued and given new life, you know what I mean.
And so today, sweet friends, I have an announcement!
Today is a rising day for me.
If you have been following the threads of a well weaved story, you know that I started blogging over ten years ago at Piece of Cake. A snarky, mommy blog, that was well received but on occasion, highly inappropriate, once I had my rescue and returned to the Lord, those tasty bites of cake I served up daily started to taste different. Some enjoyed the new flavor, and have stuck around for seconds. Others didn't care for the new recipe, and so they left.
Perhaps you, my friend, are one of those who remained.
With all of this time stuck inside, I have been thinking a lot about this story of mine. The story of Cake to Christ and everything in between. And it was in this forced isolation with Jesus, that I heard in my heart a call that was all too loud and clear: I called you to PROCLAIM.
At first, I told Jesus, "Ummm...isn't that what I have been doing, Lord?" And He quickly reminded me that He is God and that my word of the year was silent, and how I am failing at the whole silent thing, and well, I have not been proclaiming...not FULLY proclaiming, and so how about I be SILENT like I said I was going to be and just let Him finish speaking to my heart?
And so I did.
I sat still and I listened.
And the Lord showed me all the ways I was holding back. All the excuses for not serving more. He pointed out the rock I had placed in front of certain parts of my heart. The parts I wanted to keep hidden. The parts that were off- limits. Not just to you, but to Him.
Go figure. God was right.
I can go deeper.
I can serve better.
I can proclaim more and louder.
Suddenly, a light flooded the obvious pandemic excuse, that "now is not the time"...and more than I ever I could see, "this is exactly the time!"
And so...I got up.
But this is where it gets good.
I want you to rise up with me.
As my partner.
As my WARRIOR SISTER. (or brother, for the few men who hang out here)
Because here is the deal. We are in a battle, my friends. Everyone has a war story. No one gets a pass from suffering. But do we all suffer well? Do we all show up to the battle armed? Because I don't think we do. I see a lot of women shivering naked on the frontline. I see too many women paralyzed by their suffering. I see faith being shredded by confusion and doubt, families torn apart, children worshipping false idols, and addiction stealing way too many of our loved ones.
And this is going to change.
Because WE are going to change this.
Today I invite you to join me over at Patreon - a passionate Warrior Community I have created just for you. A community to keep us spiritually active and engaged, standing shoulder to shoulder on the frontline.
This new space where you can find me will be one of off the charts, never to have been read before, access to inspiration and encouragement for all of us in the battle. Personal application, practical living, Scripture to keep your head above the water...served up with more honesty, more vulnerability, more humor than ever before!
If you like what you have been reading here, you will LOVE what I have planned for you there! This is where I will be sharing it all, folks...proclaiming without hesitation...telling the stories that have profoundly changed me and deepened my relationship with God. Real life stories yet to be told, so that as they empower you, you will set out and empower others. In addition to the inspiration and encouragement I am so excited to share with you, partnering with me on this creative endeavor guarantees you exclusive benefits that I have prayerfully chosen for you, my faithful reader. Benefits that just might include an old slice of Cake! Oh yes, order to see the great power of God and how He works, we will be dusting off Piece of Cake! And this is going to be so. so. good. Better than a Venti Coconut Latte and cheaper to. Take a look at all of the great benefits I made available to you over here, choose your "Warrior Tier", and be prepared to rise!
You know, as a creator for Christ with enormous ideas, the prayers, love and support you have shown me over the many years has truly kept me going. Too many times I came close to quitting. Too many times I allowed tragedy, evil, people, circumstances, and fear, to stand in my way. But not anymore. It is time that I rise and walk...that I live out my purpose and obediently respond to the call on my heart, no matter the outcome. More than any time ever, this is the time to proclaim.
Will you join me?
Join my Warrior Community at any tier level during the month of April, and receive a FREE PDF of my talk BE PRESENT. The perfect encouragement for all of us who wish we could rewind the clock or hit fast forward!