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Be the one. Yes, I am talking to you.

We are at an interesting point in our Consecration to Jesus through Mary. At least I am. But I will bet you are, too. Because it is September. And with September comes change. The start of school. New routine. Different rhythm. Cooler air. And all can be a beautiful new we welcome with urgent expectation...God is doing something new! How glorious!

Or. It is incredibly overwhelming, and Covid has ruined everything, and things are not back to normal they are back to really freaking weird, and because of the weariness and strained relationships and bad attitudes and loneliness and all the things that are up to us to keep up in the air and running smoothly, feeling Consecration is not as easy as it was on day one and so prayers feel routine and panic is setting in because we fear we are not ready and if not ready than certainly unworthy and at the end of the day we wonder if we are "getting it" not to mention wrestling with that burning question in our hearts..."why is everything and everyone around me suddenly so annoying and what is up with the all of the flies in the kitchen????"

Ok, so maybe that question is only on my heart. But I digress.

We are about to begin week four. Spiritual warfare will kick up. Little annoyances will feel enormous. Flies will take over your home. So grab your shield and sword, because guess what? We will not back down. We are allowing Mary to do good work in and through us, growing closer to her Son and no doubt, radiating His light for those around us. Fun Fact: some will respond well to this light. Others will not. To that, I say, keep shining.

Remember how Mother felt darkness, and you would never know it? Well, I wonder about Mary...all that heart pondering...and what she was pondering was some tough stuff! But looking at her, you would never know it. Looking at her you would only see her total surrender, loving trust, and perfect cheerfulness. Does this make you look at yourself and think you stand no chance? Are these three things people see when they look at you? (As a writer- with no laptop, and a sudden fly infestation, who is about to get two kids ready for distance learning while working from home..with no laptop....go and ask my husband what he saw in me when he came home from golfing last night....) If these three things are bringing you down, hear me out....I am so with you. BUT...let us remember..."perfect cheerfulness" does not mean carry your pain file around like a lead ball but paint a fake smile on your face and don't let anyone know about it! This is not about numbing our pain. This is not about faking fine. This is not about pretending everything is okay. This is about accepting it...this thirst...and using it to console Jesus.

This is about satiating the thirst of Jesus.

To satiate means to satisfy.

Jesus is not satisfied when we cover up our suffering with a box of thin mints and bottle of wine. He is satisfied when we unite our suffering to His. When we feel that pain and we think of Him. When we hate our cross but we carry it with Him and follow Him. When we bring it to Mary and ask for her heart...her joy...her help. When we run to our Mom Mary...the human Mary...and beg for her cheerfulness in carrying this for her Son. Because He carried it first. And because we love Him.

This is also about satiating everyone else. The body of Christ. Because everyone thirsts. Everyone is poor. Everyone is suffering something. We are all on a great scavenger hunt for Love and most of us are looking under the wrong rocks.

Today...we can stand strong and shine bright despite our feelings...because we have Mary's example and comfort. We can run into the thirst...for ourselves, for Jesus and for others, because we have a Heavenly Mother teaching us. Guiding us. Loving us.

We might laugh when we read that we are to be "Apostles of Joy"...because life might look really un-joyful right about now. But that is the point. It is not about life being joyful, but about us living joyfully.

We can do this with the heart of Mary. Go on and ask for it. She can not be outdone in generosity.


1) What are you thirsting for? Are you accepting it and running to Mary, or are you drowning it and hoping it goes away?

2) How can you satiate the thirst of Jesus today?

3) How can you satiate the thirst of others today?



Pray and meditate with Psalm 69 - A Cry of Anguish In Great Distress

Pray the Rosary for the thirst of others- The Glorious Mystery


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