Conversation in today's world can be hard. Especially conversation about GOD, faith, and the Catholic Church. We are SO EXCITED to announce that coming in the New Year, Walking With Purpose content creators Mallory Smyth, Kristy Malik, and yup- yours truly- are going to grab huge mugs of coffee, sit on a comfy couch, and HAVE THAT CONVERSATION...WITH YOU.
Because we want to include YOU, we need to know...what do YOU want to talk about? What difficult questions (or not so difficult) do you have? What Church teachings are you struggling with? What about the Catholic faith do you LOVE but are too afraid to share? Do you have a specific question for me? Kristy? Mallory? Ask away! Truth With Handles: The Conversation (on the WWP Youtube Channel) with be a mix of our conversations, along with solo videos from each of us, specifically addressing your please, get involved! Share what is on your mind with us, we truly want to know!
You can send your questions via the contact form here!
Thank you so much! We are looking forward to starting the conversation!