consecration to mary- join me!

Are you looking to deepen your love for Jesus?
Do you desire to grow closer to His heart?
Let His Mother guide you!
On Friday, August 13, I will be leading my Patron Community in consecration to Mary. For many of us, this will be a re-consecration...and for others, a first time. All are welcome!
Is it too late to join?
Nope! We are preparing our hearts this week with some reading and reflection, but we officially begin on Friday!
Do I need to join Patreon to join you?
Yes! Everything ...from daily readings, questions for discussion, special guest speakers, to virtual coffee invitations, will be housed on this platform.
Do I need to sign up for a specific Tier to be involved?
Nope. It is for every Tier level. *Each level has its own benefits.
What do I need?
Michael Gaitley's 33 Days to Morning Glory is a must.
I encourage you to purchase St. Louis de Montfort's True Devotion to Mary With Preparation For Total Consecration as I pull from it often and believe it should be on everyone's shelf.
What do I get by following along with you on Patreon? Can't I just do this is on my own?
Of course, you can do this alone! But if you would like a community that holds you accountable, where you can discuss your day-to-day readings with and feel a part of something bigger...then Patreon is the way to go! The fruit is in abundance when you travel with others. Honestly? It is just more fun!
All Patrons at all tiers will receive:
daily reflections written by me
daily questions to ponder
a virtual community that quickly becomes family
guest speakers on Zoom to enhance the journey
discounts on religious gifts from small shop owners
a beautiful downloadable/printable Consecration certificate
Third and Fourth Tier Patrons only will receive:
extra bonus zoom "coffee conversations" with me
extra Marian digital downloadable print
surprise happy mail!
Free signed copy of my new book Sweet Cross which qualifies you to be a part of the Sweet Cross virtual book club this Fall! (only open to 3rd and 4th tier patrons)
When does the Consecration end?
We finish on September 15, the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Anyone in the CT. area is welcome to join me that day at Mass! (details to be announced)
Feel free to contact me with your questions! I am so excited to journey alongside you!