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Consecration to St. Joseph begins today!

Today begins our Consecration to Saint Joseph!!! There are a few ways that you can follow along:

1) Join me on Patreon! Patreon is a membership platform that I use to create new content and share old writings, my new book before its release, host speakers and book clubs, and so much more! For as little as $3 a month you get all of this, plus (and best of all) an on-line community that is hands down, the greatest group of women ever! You can terminate your membership at any time...and I am ALL FOR your joining for the Consecration, and terminating when it is over! You will spend a whopping $6 and get ALL the benefits...truly, you won't regret it.

2) You can do the consecration on your own but you can follow my stories over on Instagram @laura_m_phelps. I will be trying my best to post over there daily on each day's reading for the next 33 days.

3) You can pay no attention to me at all but get yourself the book and consecrate yourself!

I am going to show you what being a part of the Patreon Consecration looks like by sharing today's post with you below. If this looks like a conversation you would like to be a part of and join today, you will also have the opportunity to join in on our Zoom call tonight to hear our first speaker, Jess Nayden of refuge rosaries!!!

Whatever you choose I do pray that you will consider consecration...the world needs more of Saint Joseph!

God Bless!


DAY ONE: Why Consecration to St. Joseph?

I have never thought about becoming "another Joseph". "Another Mary"? Yes. But sadly, never Joseph.

Today we embark on a new spiritual mission: entrusting ourselves entirely to St. Joseph. Why? So that with the help of our spiritual father, we will become "a faithful, loving, and trusting companion of Jesus and Mary!"

My biggest Take-Away from today's reading?

Joseph means "Increase".

Saint Joseph is "The Increaser".

And I don't know about you, but there is a whole lot of me lately that needs to decrease, so this sounds good!

"He has paternal love for you and the power to increase the presence of God in your life and take you to greater heights in the spiritual life."

Up until right now...Day One...St. Joseph to me is the silent one. The man of little words. The guy who sticks by Mary...leads her and Jesus gently to safety...trusts God enough to go with a plan that sounds absurd. I have given very little thought to how necessary he was to God's plan of salvation. Mary said YES, but so did Joseph. And I don't know too many men that would have stood by a woman in Mary's situation.

The world is such a mess today, and one of the biggest evils is the need to tear men down in order to build women up. GIRL POWER. THE FUTURE IS FEMALE. And so on and so forth. Oh, how in need we truly are of St. Joseph! His protection is key and I can not believe how little I have asked for it, if at all!

The devil is relentless. His attacks on Priests, families, and the Church feels off the charts to me. I have been a victim of his snares and believed many of his lies. My marriage, children, and life have taken many destructive hits, and by the grace of God we are all still standing...some of us not as well as others. And this morning I have you been with us, Saint Joseph? In our own vicious attacks, through our own blindsides and middle-of-the-night have you been protecting us, leading us to safety, just as you did the Holy family?

I am so ready to ascend to greater heights in the spiritual life, with Saint Joseph as my guide!

Are you?

SUGGESTION: Get yourself a special journal for this Consecration. Journal your thoughts and prayers as we journey together.


Veni, Sancte Spiritus (p. 247)

Litany of St. Joseph (p. 233)

*Prayer is KEY to Consecration. More so than the discussion questions! Do not skimp on prayer time. If we do not take to prayer in the next 33 days, our Consecration will simply be information, not transformation.


What has drawn you to participate in this 33 Day Consecration to St. Joseph?

What has been your experience of St. Joseph? Has he been a part of your faith journey?

Joseph's name means to increase. What do you need to increase in your life?

I shared my biggest Take-Away from today's reading. What is your biggest Take-Away today?



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