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currently saving my life...

What has helped me to be brave?

Being terrified.

Being scared and afraid and then...letting go.

Letting go of the control and false sense of it.

Embracing my cross.

What helps me to stay brave?


Always and everywhere.

Our Lady.

And recognizing that she keeps station at the foot of the Cross which guarantees that when I find myself there, I am not alone.


Because even knowing that I stand with Mary and Jesus there are those times when my will takes over and everything looks stupid and terrible and I get angry at God. It is the community that I fall back on. They catch me. Lift me. Dust me off. And point me back to the foot of the cross.

Taking care of myself.

Washing my face, and drinking clean water, and using natural remedies while keeping my eyes on Christ, reduce my anxiety and increase my hope.

And breathing.

It is important that we remember to breathe.

I think I held my breath for ten years.

For those of you looking to breathe and find community and pray with this community while having fun and being creative and taking care of YOU...because honestly...when was the last time you took care of YOU?...join me tonight at 7 PM EST on ZOOM. You don't need to be a part of my oily might just be curious..maybe you are not interested at all but would like some people to hang out with tonight...whatever the case...

tonight I will reveal another piece of my story.

you might hear other stories revealed as well.

and stories change the world.

and who can't use that?

We will walk through the Young Living Premium Starter Kit because that is how my journey to wellness began...and it, along with Jesus and Mary, is what is currently saving my life.

And I would love to journey with you. For real. This is what I am all about.

Contact me for the zoom link or DM me on Instagram @savedandscent



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