Give me only Thy love and Thy grace; with these I will be rich enough, and will have no more to desire.
//offering and prayer of St. Ignatius Loyola
As we wrap up another month - which is hard to believe - I'd like to share with you the bits and pieces of my journey through July. From a favorite prayer to fashion to ministry to the Pope...a little bit of all the things that got me on my knees and pondering. Click on what speaks to your heart.
My husband and I attended our first Traditional Latin Mass back in the Fall. My husband immediately fell in love. I required a few months of courting. Between trying to find my place in the Missal, while balancing a veil on my head...not to mention the glasses that fogged up because of the mask on my face...let's just say I fell prey to distractions. Once I took the glasses off, put the Missal down, and dove into the ocean of beauty, silence, and clear as day holiness...what I thought made no sense at all, made more sense than ever. If the Pope's recent Motu Proprio has you confused and/or curious about the Traditional Latin Mass, Matt Fradd's interview with Jacob Imam is a must listen to. "Jacob Imam and I are not what is described as “trads” and neither of us attends the Latin Mass on a regular basis, but we LOVE the reverence and beauty of the Latin, or Tridentine, Mass. In light of Pope Francis’ “Traditionis Custodes,” we flesh out 7 reasons why the Latin Mass is truly extraordinary."
The Devil is no longer in the details. He is being displayed front and center.
If you have not yet seen the new Converse collab with artist Rick Owens, brace yourself...then go and throw your Converse sneakers away as you run to Adoration.
If you are a follower of mine on social media, you might be noticing that there is nothing to follow. I gave myself permission to take a break; to take a risk that when I return, you might be gone. After I went on a silent retreat, I knew that my life needed renovating. I took down interior walls and filled emotional dumpsters. I traded in the need to produce for the need for silence. I set clear boundaries.
In between talks on retreat, I noticed that someone had placed a pamphlet on my set for Reform Wellness. I had never heard of it. Reform was founded and started by Jackie- who happened to be on retreat with me. As a holistic nutritionist, wellness practitioner, and experienced educator, Jackie has paired her personal experience with her professional knowledge to create a program that innovatively merges faith and functional health.
Are you as intrigued as I am?
"If you want to be healthy, happy, and holy—and truly, these things are possible!—you have to live intentionally. Because things fall in order when you’re living in order."
Listen to The Poco A Poco Podcast and get ready to reform your life.
Speaking of health...since my pre-diabetes diagnosis, the whole family has jumped on the health bandwagon. But every once in a while, the kids scream for ice cream. It's summer. Who can blame them? This has become a fast favorite...and not just because we love the name.
If there were a million dollars in a suitcase on your church altar, would you have the time to get there today? Yeah. Thought so.
I have challenged myself to receive the Eucharist daily. The prayer that has rocked my world after confession is from The Roman Missal, The Voice of the Sacred Heart ...this line in particular:
May the tongue whereon Thou has rested never move to utter words other than such as would proceed from Thy meek and humble Heart.
Have a blessed end to your July! I look forward to pondering with you in August.
(remember- we begin our consecration to Jesus through Mary next month on Patreon! Be sure to sign up!)
SALVE, Regina, mater misericordiae, vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve. Ad te clamamus exsules filii Hevae. Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes in hac lacrimarum valle.
Eia, ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte. Et Iesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.
O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria. Amen.
V. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genetrix.
R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.