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finding Jesus people and faith in unlikely places

I knew I loved Melanie when I saw how she openly shares her faith. As the world attempts to remove God from everything (and from the looks of it is doing a really good job) proclaiming your love of Jesus and defending your faith is getting increasingly more difficult and risky. After all..who wants to be ridiculed? Mocked? Hated? Not me!

And come after Jesus means so much more than skipping through the tulips behind him. Following Christ is not a pre-school game of following the leader. It is costly. It requires bravery. It demands that you pursue and chase Him and that you die to yourself. All for love of Him.

I see this girl here doing this. And the fascinating thing? She is not a "ministry friend". She is a new "oily friend". And guess what? God has surprised me in ways that only God can. When I said yes to this oil biz I feared it would pull my time away from ministry when in fact, it has done the complete opposite! Ministry is not meant to be kept in a box, shared only with those who believe exactly what I believe. I knew that when I took the leap into this new journey that faith would have to be a part of it...a small piece, I thought, when in is all of it. It is everything. Evangelization opportunities just grew wider, not smaller. Creativity has taken on new possibilities and personal growth and care...something I neglected for blooming! The gifts...all of them...that God has bestowed on me are finding hidden outlets and digging new wells.

How often, out of fear or uncertainty, do we give an immediate NO to something that God wishes we would consider and say YES to?

Melanie and I share this gift of wellness we have found because the oils are not the only blessings...the people are. The oily friends. This strong and fearless community of faith-filled women who despite being afraid, are saying yes to sharing what they have found...they have not pulled me from my faith, but driven me deeper into it.

If you have a passion and you bring God into the details, you will not believe what you are able to achieve, the people you will find, and the joy that will undoubtedly fill your heart.

If you are the least bit curious about using oils for emotional, spiritual, and grounding support...join us tonight. This is going to be a quick, casual, and FUN evening with no strings attached! Just show up and listen and learn! Who knows...maybe the nudge you feel is something to not be ignored any longer...maybe there is a role for you in all of this that is bigger than oils. What joined me on this mission of faith intersecting oils? What if the lack of joy and happiness you feel is due to you not taking chances? You will never know, however, unless you take the leap.

Email me or DM @savedandscent for the Zoom link invite. We are giving away adorable prizes and have so much goodness to share. We would love to see you there!



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